Informació bàsica sobre el tractament de dades(Reglament (UE) 2016/679) |
Responsable del tractament | Us informem que AMATLLER MUBA PDG41, S.L. amb domicili al Passeig de Gràcia, 41 4º 1A (08007 BARCELONA), és l’entitat responsable del tractament de les vostres dades personals. |
Finalitat |
Legitimació | Consentiment de l’interessat. |
Destinataris | Les dades podran ser cedides a entitats financeres o plataformes de pagament adherides al “Privacy Shield” per a la gestió del pagament de les donacions i/o quotes i Autoritats competents. A banda d’aquest ús, les dades no es cediran a tercers, llevat que ho exigeixi una llei o sigui necessari per complir amb la finalitat del tractament. |
Drets | Accedir, rectificar i suprimir dades, així com la resta que s’expliquen en la política de privacitat. |
Prices and opening hours
Monday to Friday
(Besides Tuesdays)
Adult Ticket
Adults 13 to 64 years old
13,50 €
Reduced Price Ticket
Senior (65+), reduced mobility and disabled, large family (3 or more kids) and single-parent family
9,50 €
Ticket Junior
7 to 12 years old
9,50 €
Family Pack
2 adults + 2 juniors / 1 adult + 3 juniors
11,50 €
(groups > 10 people)
13,00 €
Special price
Adult Ticket
Adults 13 to 64 years old
11,00 €
Reduced Ticket
Senior (65+), reduced mobility and disabled, youth card, large family (3 or more kids) and single-parent family
8,00 €
Ticket Junior
7 to 12 years old
8,00 €
Family Pack
2 adults + 2 juniors / 1 adult + 3 juniors
11,50 €
(groups > 10 people)
8,50 €
Weekends & holidays
From Friday 4:30PM to Sunday 21PM
Adult Ticket
Adults 13 to 64 years old
17,00 €
Reduced Ticket
Senior (65+), reduced mobility and disabled, large family (3 or more kids) and single-parent family
11,50 €
Ticket Junior
7 to 12 years old
11,50 €
Family Packs
2 adults + 2 juniors / 1 adult + 3 junior
11,50 €
(groups > 10 people)
13,00 €
Ticketing fees not included (5% per ticket type).
Centre d'Art Amatller Opening Hours
From Monday to Sunday from 10AM to 9PM
(last entry slot at 8PM)
Monday to Thursday from 9:30 to 13:00 & from 14:00 to 18:00
Friday from 9:30 to 14:30
Group visits (+10 people), can be booked directly from Centre d'Art Amatller’s website. Select the number of tickets you need and the group discount will be automatically applied. For school or cultural association reservations, please, write an email to the following address at least 15 days before the desired visiting date:
For any other question, you can fill in the following form. Check if your question is already answered in our FAQs before submitting.